12-12-2018 | Response to ASX Appendix 3Z Query |  |
11-12-2018 | Notice of Expiry of Unlisted Oprions Dec18 |  |
11-12-2018 | Final Director's Interest Notice |  |
03-12-2018 | Dividend/Distribution - TLM |  |
03-12-2018 | Declaration of Special Dividend |  |
30-11-2018 | Results of Meeting |  |
30-11-2018 | AGM Presentation |  |
30-11-2018 | AGM Chairman's Address to Shareholders |  |
30-11-2018 | Lachlan Project Update- More High Grade Copper at Blind Calf |  |
29-11-2018 | Sinclair Exploration Update |  |
01-11-2018 | Proposed Distribution to Shareholders |  |
31-10-2018 | Quarterly Cashflow Report |  |
31-10-2018 | Quarterly Activities Report |  |
30-10-2018 | 2018 Notice of Annual General Meeting and Board Update |  |
17-10-2018 | Sinclair Update Commencement of RC Drilling at Skye East |  |
12-10-2018 | SFR: SFR completes acquisition of TLM Springfield JV Ints. |  |
12-10-2018 | Completion of sale of 30% interest in Springfield Project |  |
04-10-2018 | Results of General Meeting |  |
04-10-2018 | 2018 General Meeting - Chairman's Address. |  |
28-09-2018 | Corporate Governance Statement & Appendix 4G |  |
28-09-2018 | Annual Report to shareholders |  |
24-09-2018 | Waiver of ASX Listing Rule 7.25 |  |
24-09-2018 | Investor Presentation - September 2018 |  |
14-09-2018 | NSW Lachlan Project Update - Drilling Commencement |  |
07-09-2018 | Sinclair Ni Project - new mineralised position identified |  |
31-08-2018 | Sinclair Nickel - Talisman Maiden JORC Mineral Resource |  |
28-08-2018 | Chairmans Letter, Notice of Meeting & Proxy Form |  |
08-08-2018 | SFR: signs SPA to Acquire Talisman Springfield JV Interests |  |
08-08-2018 | Proposed Sale of Talismans Interest in the Springfield JV |  |
07-08-2018 | Update on Sale of Interest in Springfield JV |  |
06-08-2018 | Investor Presentation - August 2018 |  |
06-08-2018 | Update on Sale of Interest in Springfield JV |  |
31-07-2018 | Quarterly Cashflow Report |  |
31-07-2018 | Quarterly Activities Report |  |
30-07-2018 | Update on Sale of Interest in Springfield JV |  |
19-07-2018 | Change of Registered Office |  |
19-07-2018 | NSW Lachlan Cu-Au Project Update |  |
16-07-2018 | Update on Sale of Interest in Springfield JV |  |
13-07-2018 | Springfield Joint Venture Update |  |
09-07-2018 | Update on Sale of Interest in Springfield JV |  |
05-07-2018 | Further High-Grade Cu Hits & New EM Conductors at Blind Calf |  |
02-07-2018 | Update on Sale of Interest in Springfield JV |  |
28-06-2018 | New Working Capital Facility |  |
18-06-2018 | RC Drilling At Blind Calf Returns Strong Initial Cu Results |  |
08-06-2018 | Notice of Expiry of Unlisted Oprions |  |
08-06-2018 | Monty Upper Zone Drilling Results |  |
08-06-2018 | SFR: Sandfire to Acquire Talisman Springfield JV Interests |  |
08-06-2018 | Reinstatement to Official Quotation |  |
08-06-2018 | Proposed Sale of Talisman Interest in the Springfield JV |  |
07-06-2018 | Extension to Voluntary Suspension |  |
06-06-2018 | Extension to Voluntary Suspension |  |
05-06-2018 | Suspension from Official Quotation |  |
01-06-2018 | Trading Halt Request |  |
01-06-2018 | Trading Halt |  |
29-05-2018 | Lachlan Cu-Au Project - Commencement of RC Drilling |  |
17-05-2018 | Lachlan Cu-Au Project Update - Cu-Zn-Pb Anomaly identified |  |
01-05-2018 | Quarterly Cashflow Report |  |
01-05-2018 | Quarterly Activities Report |  |
27-04-2018 | SFR: DeGrussa & Monty Mine Plan, Ore Reserve and Mineral Res |  |
17-04-2018 | NSW Lachlan Cu-Au Project Update |  |
19-03-2018 | Lachlan Cu-Au Project Update |  |
15-03-2018 | Half Yearly Report and Accounts |  |
12-03-2018 | Investor Presentation - March 2018 |  |
26-02-2018 | Lachlan Cu-Au Project - Targeting Review Completed |  |
22-01-2018 | Quarterly Cashflow Report |  |
22-01-2018 | Quarterly Activities Report |  |
19-01-2018 | NSW Lachlan Cu-Au Project Update |  |
12-01-2018 | Monty Cu-Au Project Development Update |  |
09-01-2018 | Further NSW Gold and Base Metals Tenure Secured |  |