17-12-2015SFR: Doolgunna Project - Monty UpdateDownload File
17-12-2015Monty Exploration UpdateDownload File
30-11-2015Sinclair Project - Exploration UpdateDownload File
06-11-2015Results of MeetingDownload File
06-11-2015Chairman's Address to ShareholdersDownload File
06-11-2015AGM PresentationDownload File
06-11-2015Sinclair - Exploration Update and Assay ResultsDownload File
05-11-2015Monty - Assay Results and Exploration UpdateDownload File
05-11-2015SFR: Doolgunna Project - Monty Exploration UpdateDownload File
30-10-2015Quarterly Activities ReportDownload File
30-10-2015Quarterly Cashflow ReportDownload File
20-10-2015Sinclair - Narrow Zones of Massive Sulphides IntersectedDownload File
15-10-2015SFR: Doolgunna Project - Monty Exploration UpdateDownload File
15-10-2015Monty - Exploration UpdateDownload File
05-10-2015Notice of Annual General Meeting/Proxy FormDownload File
02-10-2015Monty - Exploration UpdateDownload File
02-10-2015SFR: Doolgunna Project - Monty Exploration UpdateDownload File
30-09-2015Updated Securities Trading PolicyDownload File
30-09-2015Corporate Governance Statement and Appendix 4GDownload File
30-09-2015Annual Report to shareholdersDownload File
30-09-2015Sinclair Nickel Project - Commencement of DrillingDownload File
24-09-2015Resource Rising Stars Investor PresentationDownload File
22-09-2015Monty UpdateDownload File
22-09-2015SFR: Doolgunna Project - Drilling UpdateDownload File
18-09-2015Sinclair Nickel Project - Maiden Drilling ProgramDownload File
17-09-2015Monty - Drilling UpdateDownload File
17-09-2015SFR: Doolgunna Project - Drilling UpdateDownload File
14-09-2015SFR: Doolgunna Project - Drilling UpdateDownload File
14-09-2015Monty - Drilling UpdateDownload File
08-09-2015SFR: Doolgunna Project - Assay ResultsDownload File
08-09-2015Monty - Assay ResultsDownload File
24-08-2015Monty -Drilling UpdateDownload File
24-08-2015SFR: Doolgunna Project - Drilling UpdateDownload File
13-08-2015Monty - Assay ResultsDownload File
13-08-2015SFR: Doolgunna Project - Assay ResultsDownload File
12-08-2015Exploration Program commences at Sinclair Nickel ProjectDownload File
11-08-2015Appendix 3BDownload File
03-08-2015SFR: Doolgunna Project - Drilling UpdateDownload File
03-08-2015August Investor PresentationDownload File
03-08-2015Monty -Drilling UpdateDownload File
31-07-2015Appendix 3BDownload File
31-07-2015Quarterly Cashflow ReportDownload File
31-07-2015Quarterly Activities ReportDownload File
30-07-2015Sinclair Nickel Project - Maiden Exploration ProgramDownload File
27-07-2015Monty Prospect Drilling UpdateDownload File
27-07-2015SFR: Doolgunna Project - Drilling UpdateDownload File
21-07-2015Monty Prospect - Assay ResultsDownload File
21-07-2015SFR: Doolgunna Project - Assay ResultsDownload File
20-07-2015SFR: Doolgunna Project - Drilling UpdateDownload File
20-07-2015Monty Drilling UpdateDownload File
17-07-2015Change in substantial holdingDownload File
17-07-2015Appendix 3BDownload File
17-07-2015Allotment of Placement Shares and s708A NoticeDownload File
14-07-2015Further massive sulphide mineralisation at Monty ProspectDownload File
14-07-2015SFR: Doolgunna Project - Drilling UpdateDownload File
10-07-2015Talisman raises $8 million through Share PlacementDownload File
08-07-2015Trading HaltDownload File
30-06-2015Investor PresentationDownload File
25-06-2015Monty Prospect - Assay ResultsDownload File
25-06-2015SFR: Doolgunna Project - Assay ResultsDownload File
24-06-2015Trading Halt RequestDownload File
24-06-2015Trading HaltDownload File
24-06-2015AMEC Mining Congress Presentation by Sandfire Resources NLDownload File
17-06-2015SFR: Doolgunna Project - Exploration UpdateDownload File
17-06-2015Springfield Exploration UpdateDownload File
15-05-2015Strong Off-hole DHEM Conductor Identified at Monty ProspectDownload File
14-05-2015Trading HaltDownload File
11-05-2015Sandfire Commences Diamond Drilling at Springfield ProjectDownload File
30-04-2015Quarterly Cashflow ReportDownload File
30-04-2015Quarterly Activities ReportDownload File
13-04-2015Sinclair Nickel Project -TenementsDownload File
06-03-2015Appendix 3BDownload File
04-03-2015Half Yearly Report and AccountsDownload File
25-02-2015Presentation - RIU Explorers ConferenceDownload File
24-02-2015Breakaway Research ReportDownload File
16-02-2015Sinclair Nickel Project UpdateDownload File
05-02-2015Sinclair Nickel Project Acquisition CompletedDownload File
29-01-2015December 2014 Quarterly Cashflow ReportDownload File
29-01-2015December 2014 Quarterly Activities ReportDownload File
28-01-2015Doolgunna Exploration UpdateDownload File
16-01-2015Final Director's Interest NoticeDownload File
15-01-2015Director Appointment/ResignationDownload File
02-01-2015Change of Director's Interest NoticeDownload File
02-01-2015Appendix 3BDownload File